Integrative. Cooperative. Thriving.
Founded in 2023, Thrive is an integrative health cooperative where healthcare practitioners support one another in providing holistic, effective, compassionate care that works for everyone, wherever they presently are on their wellness journey.
Conventional healthcare systems as they exist today are failing to support the wellness of many patients and practitioners. We believe there is a better way to offer and to receive healthcare. Thrive’s Integrative Health Cooperative is a journey toward realizing that vision.
Equity in the business model for practitioners leads to more empowering, personalized experiences for patients. We are stronger, healthier, and more whole together. Be a part of something different.

Cooperatively Owned
Integrative Medicine
Thrive’s co-ownership model shares profits amongst practitioners in an equitable way, affirming a sense of personal, mutual ownership amongst all long-term members.
Thrive represents a tangible solution to decreasing the barriers new natural medicine practitioners face in starting their private practices.
Thrive aspires to create an open, patient-centered, holistic approach to healthcare, where patients from all walks of life feel welcome, heard without judgment, and treated as individuals.
Be a part of our journey to return wellness to healthcare.